The british school amsterdam

The British School of Amsterdam is an independent co-educational non profit day school providing world class learning for children from to years. Three sites – two in The Hague for children up to age 1 . Click here for: Age and Year Group comparison information to see how The British School structure compares with other international school systems. Our School Fees are broken down by Key Stages to (Year Groups 1-13) and are made up of an Enrolment Fee, Tuition Fees and a Capital Fee.

The British School of Amsterdam is an international school, situated in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, teaching students from nursery through year 13. The British School of Amsterdam, Amsterdam. Learn more about Amsterdam’s international schools – while the Dutch have a strong.

The British School of Amsterdam is an independent co-educational .

The British School of Amsterdam is a private co-educational non-profit making foundation school catering for the learning needs of children from to years. Atelier PRO heeft samen met Van Hoogevest Architecten en Buro Sant en Co de opdracht voor de British School Amsterdam gewonnen. Name of School, British School of Amsterdam.

Sometimes finding what you need requires searching a little further afield. The British School in the Netherlands may be in The Hague but it’s just a bus ride . The British School of Amsterdam (BSA) will be supporting KiKa at their Winter Market this year on Sunday 20th November. Jan van Eijckstraat 2 1077LG, Amsterdam.

At the British School of Amsterdam we get to know each and every student. We provide an all-round education that develops the whole person . AICS started a satellite school on August 20at A. Veel informatie over The British School of Amsterdam, gevestigd in Amsterdam en geregistreerd bij de KvK onder nummer 40530919.