
GeniCan installs easily into an existing bin allowing you to add items to your grocery list automatically. Always have your grocery list when you need it. Scan items or speak to automatically add them to your grocery list Installs easily into all square and recta.

How do I add an item to my shopping list using GeniCan? To add an item to your shopping list simply swipe the item’s barcode code past the barcode reader like . GeniCan scans items as you throw them away, saving you time, money, and trips to the grocery store! GeniCan voegt automatisch dingen toe aan je boodschappenlijstje, bij het weggooien.

Daardoor wordt het makkelijker om te weten wat je . GeniCan creates your grocery list easily and automatically by adding barcode scanning and voice. GeniCan is a stick-on attachment for your trash can that uses a barcode scanner and voice recognition to help you compile grocery lists based . It was only a matter of time before our trash bins got brains. The GeniCan is a Wi-Fi-enabled attachment for your garbage cans that will respond .